JCPA introduced in Senate

Chairwoman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust and Consumer Rights Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and John Kennedy (R-LA) re-introduced the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) on Friday March 31, 2023.  The bill boasts 13 original co-sponsors. The JCPA would: Empower... Read More.

MBA inducts 9 into its Hall of Fame

On September 22, 2022 nine prestigous radio and television broadacsters were inducted into the Massachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame during a luncheon induction at the Boston Marriott Quincy Hotel. Inducted into the Hall of Fame by emcee Jordan Rich and Hall of Fame Committee Chairman... Read More.

MBA/MAB to offer mental health support webinars for journalists

The pandemic, on top of coverage of protests, school shootings, etc. weigh heavy on any person and young reporters are particularly susceptible because they are often seeing these things up close and, for many, it's their first time being involved with this type of news.

WCRN Boston Launches First ATSC 3.0/Next Gen TV Platform in Boston

WCRN TV 31 Boston has launched the region’s first ATSC 3.0/Next Gen TV platform.  A cutting-edge technology,  ATSC 3.0 datacasting and the NextGen TV/Radio technical platform is based on Internet Protocol (IP),  transforming televisions into web browsers, opening a world of possibilities for the... Read More.

MBA members take part in “Guardsman for a Day” event

On June 15, 2022 several television and radio members of the Massaschusetts Broadcasters Association (MBA) participated in a "Guardsman for a Day" event put on by the Massachusetts Army National Guard and the MBA.  The event highlighted some of the training that our local... Read More.

White House issues cybersecurity warning

This week the White House issued a briefing regarding potential cyber threats to private businesses eminating from Russia.  The document lays out the following eight steps that businesses can take to help prevent cyber security attacks. Mandate the use of multi-factor authentication on your... Read More.

MBA submits testimony opposing digital ad taxes

During a virtual hearing for the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Revenue, the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association filed comments on behalf of its member radio and television stations opposing several bills calling for a tax on digital advertising within the commonwealth.  Any tax on advertising, digital... Read More.