FCC announces informational webinar for broadcast incubator program

Released Oct. 5, 2018: By this Public Notice, the Media Bureau announces an upcoming webinar to provide information about the Commission’s recently implemented radio broadcast incubator program. The Commission’s novel incubator program is designed to support new and small entrants in the radio broadcasting industry by pairing potential... Read More.

National EAS/WEA tests postponed until Oct. 3

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on October 3, 2018 . The WEA portion of the test commences at 2:18 p.m. EDT, and the EAS portion... Read More.

FCC reminds stations not to air EAS attention signal

From the FCC: As we are all preparing for next week’s nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert System (WEA) on September 20th, just a reminder to broadcasters and cable providers not to air the audio attention signal for WEA... Read More.

FCC to conduct DIRS exercise 9/13-9/14

The FCC will have a Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS) exercise for broadcasters on September 13-14, 2018.  The purpose of this exercise is to help users become familiar with the system and be ready to file DIRS reports when a real disaster strikes.

ETRS Form 1 due today – ahead of 9/20 EAS test

The next national test of the Emergency Alert System is scheduled for September 20, 2018 at 2:20 p.m. (EDT). All broadcasters that participate in EAS are required to participate in this test. The EAS alert will be transmitted in English and Spanish... Read More.

MBA signs onto letter advocating for Music Modernization Act

The Massachusetts Broadcasters Association joined the other 49 state broadcasters association in a letter asking the Senate to pass the Music Modernization Act (MMA). The bill would include language from the Senate Commerce Committee formalizing Congressional oversight over Department of Justice's review of the antitrust... Read More.

MBA awards $33k in scholarships

The Massachusetts Broadcasters Association (MBA) has awarded 21 scholarships to Massachusetts students totaling $33,000 between its Student Broadcaster Scholarship, Families in Broadcasting Scholarship and the Al Sprague Memorial Scholarship. Student Broadcaster Scholarships are given to students pursuing a career in over-the-air broadcasting and enrolled in... Read More.

PIRATE Act introduced in House

On May 8,  Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) introduced the PIRATE Act in the House of Representatives.  While the legislation differs from the original draft legislation, it marks and important step in fighting pirate operators. The bill would: Increase maximum fine for pirate operators to... Read More.