Summary of 2014 MBA FCC filings

Each year the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association jointly files various comments with the FCC with other state broadcasters associations.  The following is a summary of filings from January 1, 2014 to the present. These examples of advocacy before the FCC illustrate how vigorous the MBA and... Read More.

MBA files letter with Forest Service over filming rights

The Massachusetts Broadcasters Association joined with many other State Broadcasters Associations in expressing concern that certain aspects of the US Forest Service’s current and proposed permitting process violate the First Amendment by imposing a “prior restraint”... Read More.

Legislative success for broadcasters but a long road ahead

Broadcasters by and large had a successful year in Washington in 2014 but many of the same challenges will rear their heads again next year. Performance rights were and will be a topic of discussion in the halls of Congress.  In 2014, Congressmen Michael Conway... Read More.

Lots to benefit YOU in 2015

There are MANY benefits to being a member in the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association that can benefit anyone at a radio or television station.  While we’re always looking for new ways to help, here are some returning* benefits in 2015: Continuing Education... Read More.

2015 is the year of ‘localism’ for broadcasters

Never in human history have there been so many choices for entertainment.  In 2015, consumers will face an unprecedented number of options when it comes to how they spend their time.  Want to listen to music?  There’s broadcast radio, internet radio, podcasts, CDs, vinyl(!),... Read More.

MBA recognizes some of the best in MA broadcasting

The Massachusetts Broadcasting Awards presented at ‘Sound Bites’ 2014 saw the most diverse group of stations winners to date.  Overall, forty-one first place and merit awards were handed out in from 146 entries over twelve categories.  A full list of winners can be found... Read More.

New Member Coordinator for MBA

Stepping aboard the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association as the new Member Coordinator is local videographer Brittany Debelis. After four years in the United States Navy, Brittany returned home to her native New Hampshire to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts. Her professional experiences include interning at Florentine... Read More.

Another successful ‘Sound Bites!’

This year’s version of Sound Bites, the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association’s Annual Meeting and Mingling event, was the most successful to date.  Just fewer than 180 Massachusetts Broadcasters packed the Verve Hotel in Natick for an afternoon of seminars and an evening of mingling, food,... Read More.

NAB to host cyber security webinar 12/10

Target, AT&T and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission are only a few of the major enterprises to suffer high-profile cyber-attacks in recent months. In fact, a host of radio stations in Arkansas, Virginia and elsewhere... Read More.

Pillsbury Law supplies biennial election guide

Massachusetts Broadcasters Association Washington counsel, the law office of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman has released its biennial election night guide for broadcasters. The guide provides a Presidential election fact sheet, 2012 election results along with all of the major races, nationwide. Download the election guide